Note: We are excited to share our monthly updates with the membership. Although it is not an exhaustive list, we look forward to engaging you in discussions about the current state of business architecture and how we can reach our goal of being global thought leaders!
- Board continues to meet to refine our Medium-Term Strategic Plan
- We completed our SWOT analysis and will move on to define strategic intents followed by tactics and objectives
- We have a brand new look for our website
- We are debating about the roles a traditional hosted website like plays now that social media sites like provide comparable functionalities
- We need a strategy to move us forward in engaging you more actively
- We are in the process of collecting names for Board nominees
- We will formally form a Nominations Committee to provide guidelines but members can already submit names of possible nominees to any of the Board members
- Chairman Guitarte renews contract as Contributor to the Business Architecture Institute (BAI) for 2018-2019
- All our major social links are now live…join our Facebook group, follow us on Twitter, and connect with us on LinkedIn